Memorial Park Specific Plan
About the Project
Memorial Park is at the heart of Cupertino - hosting numerous community and civic-focused events. It is the largest and most well-used park in Cupertino. The 22-acre site includes a lawn ideal for family picnics, a gazebo, an amphitheater, a lighted softball field, and six lighted tennis courts. Memorial Park is adjacent to the Cupertino Senior Center, Quinlan Community Center, and Cupertino Sports Center, and the park houses the Cupertino Veterans Memorial which honors local veterans.
The Memorial Park Specific Plan project aims to improve the facility and determine how to best meet the future recreation, communityContinue reading
About the Project
Memorial Park is at the heart of Cupertino - hosting numerous community and civic-focused events. It is the largest and most well-used park in Cupertino. The 22-acre site includes a lawn ideal for family picnics, a gazebo, an amphitheater, a lighted softball field, and six lighted tennis courts. Memorial Park is adjacent to the Cupertino Senior Center, Quinlan Community Center, and Cupertino Sports Center, and the park houses the Cupertino Veterans Memorial which honors local veterans.
The Memorial Park Specific Plan project aims to improve the facility and determine how to best meet the future recreation, community gathering, event, and green space needs of Cupertino. The Parks and Recreation System Master Plan’s vision for the park highlights the expansion of the civic event space and community hub experiences by providing a unifying focus on the surrounding existing City facilities, and by enhancing natural site features. This Plan will enhance Memorial Park’s unique identity, create a sense of place and grow a unique expression of the Park to achieve a balance between the built and natural environments.
The resulting Memorial Park Specific Plan will further the goals and priorities identified in the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan, including:
- Restore and preserve natural habitat
- Maximize shade
- Develop walkways and bikeways that further connectivity
- Provide environments that foster social cohesiveness and diverse activities for all ages and abilities
- Create high-quality recreation experiences
- Provide sustainable facilities, programs, and services that benefit our economic and ecological health
The Park's Specific Plan is developed with input from the Community, Commissions, and the City Council. Our team has reached out via online and in-person meetings to get your feedback and comments.
Check out the "News Feed" section below for more updates on the progress of the project.
Final Adoption Process
Share Final Adoption Process on Facebook Share Final Adoption Process on Twitter Share Final Adoption Process on Linkedin Email Final Adoption Process linkWe are entering into the final adoption process for the Memorial Park Specific Plan! The Addendum to the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan (PRSMP) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and the final Memorial Park Specific Plan (MPSP) are published. Staff and the project team will bring these to the Parks and Recreation Commission on March 7th, and to City Council on April 3rd.
Once adopted, the next step will be to proceed with design and construction of projects that are described in the MPSP. Phases/sequencing of the projects are outlined in the final report for consideration, but these are informative rather than prescriptive. Depending on available budget and other factors, the first projects can be as large as an entire section of the park or as small as rerouting key pedestrian paths.
*The published documents are linked in the "important documents" widget on the right side of this page. Please note that Attachment D (D - PRSMP_MPSP_Initial Study_Addendum Appendix A) is a duplicate of Attachment A (A - MPSP_report), but for the purposes of the IS/MND-Addendum report submittal/adoption it will be will be Appendix [A] to the IS/MND, and thus is listed in this way.
Final Design Concept plan
Share Final Design Concept plan on Facebook Share Final Design Concept plan on Twitter Share Final Design Concept plan on Linkedin Email Final Design Concept plan linkIncorporating the City Council, Commissions, and community feedback received, the design team has developed the final conceptual plan, as seen below. Memorial Park's existing plan of the park is also available below for your reference. The City hopes to have accomplished a design that accommodates the input received and allows for the future development of magnificent park features and amenities that serve the community. (Comment period closed on September 14).
Next Steps: Finalize the CEQA report and Specific Plan design. The Cupertino City Council and Commissions will have their final reviews in March and April 2024.
Share Progress! on Facebook Share Progress! on Twitter Share Progress! on Linkedin Email Progress! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.June 21, 2023 Council Meeting Results
If you've been following the development of the "Revitalize Memorial Park" project, you know that we've had many meetings, events, surveys, etc. to get the Community's input on the re-design efforts. The latest meeting was a presentation at City Council on June 21, 2023. The Community was there, in great numbers! The Council heard the feedback and directed staff to keep the existing softball field and progress into the final stages of the schematic design phase. The minutes recorded the final motion and suggestions from the Council:
Final Motion:
Wei moved and Chao seconded as amended and modified to proceed with the Memorial Park Specific Plan design process into Schematic Design with the following revisions to the Conceptual Plan:
- Retain the existing softball field;
- Prioritize finding a revised location for pickle ball and basketball court;
- Consider options to reduce the size of the extra parking area on Anton Way; and
- Include native plants and gardens where feasible, especially in the nature walk area, as presented by the Audubon Society.
The amended and modified motion carried unanimously.
Councilmembers also provided the following comments for consideration when contemplating plan revisions:
- Consider installing temporary fence to fully enclose the existing softball field at Memorial Park for a pilot Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) program to evaluate the efficacy of a combined Softball/DOLA use for the area. (Moore)
- Provide Softball Field utilization data for use pre-pandemic. (Moore, Chao)
- Consider a small water feature/fountain for birds. (Chao)
- Consider a more economical features for the Specific Plan. (Chao)
- Consider reducing the parking or loop turnaround along the westerly property line if it could facilitate other amenities. (Fruen)
- Consider adopting a maintenance plan for native vegetation. (Fruen)
- Consider a covered area near the Quinlan Community Center. (Moore)
- Consider removing the central event lawn space to minimize the loss of other proposed amenities due to the inclusion of the softball field. (Fruen)
- Consider incorporating a bicycle garden as opposed to a tricycle track. (Fruen)
- Consider reducing the passive garden area to minimize the loss of other proposed amenities due to the inclusion of the softball field. Consider placing native vegetation in other passive areas throughout the park. (Moore)
Upcoming Public Meetings
Share Upcoming Public Meetings on Facebook Share Upcoming Public Meetings on Twitter Share Upcoming Public Meetings on Linkedin Email Upcoming Public Meetings linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.- March 7, 2024 Thursday: Parks & Recreation Commission (Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Quinlan Community Center, Social Room). Staff will present and review the final Specific Plan for Commission approval. (tentatively scheduled until we get closer to the date)
- April 3, 2024 Wednesday: City Council at 5:15pm in Community Hall). Staff will (1) share the IS/MND Addendum and request adoption of the Addendum (CEQA report), and (2) present and review the final Specific Plan for Council approval. [Item #9]
Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities
Share Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities on Facebook Share Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities on Twitter Share Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities on Linkedin Email Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Other than the upcoming Commission and City Council meetings noted above, no additional meetings are scheduled at this time.
Follow Project
Project Schedule
Phase 1: Project Initiation
Memorial Park Specific Plan has finished this stageSummer 2022
Phase 2: Research and Analysis
Memorial Park Specific Plan has finished this stageSummer 2022 to Fall 2022
Phase 3: Initial Community Engagement
Memorial Park Specific Plan has finished this stageFall 2022
- Community Survey - September 9 to October 9
- Community Webinar - Thursday, September 15 at 7 p.m.
- Pop-Up at Cupertino Library - Saturday, September 17 from 10 a.m. to noon
- Pop-Up at Silicon Valley Day n Night Fun Fest, Memorial Park -- Saturday, September 24 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Pop-Up at Bay Area Diwali, Memorial Park -- Saturday, October 8 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phase 4: Conceptual Design
Memorial Park Specific Plan has finished this stageWinter 2022 - Spring 2023
Community Engagement
- Community Survey – January 25 to February 22
- Open House at the Cupertino Senior Center – Saturday, February 4
- Community Webinar – Thursday, February 9
Phase 5: Schematic Design and Report
Memorial Park Specific Plan has finished this stageSpring 2023 - Summer 2023
Phase 6: Environmental Assessment
Memorial Park Specific Plan has finished this stageSummer 2023- Feb 2024
Phase 7: Final Specific Plan and Report
Memorial Park Specific Plan is currently at this stageFinal Adoption process
Parks and Recreation Commission: Thursday, March 7 (7pm @ QCC)
Recommended Action: Recommend that City Council adopt the addendum to the Parks & Recreation System Master Plan initial study/mitigated negative declaration and approve the Memorial Park Specific Plan design.
City Council: Wednesday, April 3
Recommended Action: Adopt the addendum to the Parks & Recreation System Master Plan initial study/mitigated negative declaration and approve the Memorial Park Specific Plan design.
**All meeting dates are tentative until agendas are confirmed by the Commissions and City Council.
Important Documents
Parks and Recreation System Master Plan
General Plan: Community Vision 2015-2040, Chapter 9: Recreation, Parks and Community Service Element
Heart of the City Specific Plan
Site Assessment & Outreach Summary (8.77 MB) (pdf)
Site Assessment & Outreach Summary Appendices (19.1 MB) (pdf)
Phase 4 Survey Memorial Park Concepts (14.8 MB) (pdf)
2023-06-21_Preferred Draft Concept Presentation_Council.pdf (2.05 MB) (pdf)
2023-08-24_Memorial_Park_Conceptual_Plan.pdf (844 KB) (pdf)
Final Adoption - Design and IS/MND
A-MPSP_Report.pdf (184 MB) (pdf)
B - MPSP_Appendices (28.3 MB) (pdf)
C - PRSMP_MPSP_Initial Study_Addendum (4.28 MB) (pdf)
D - PRSMP_MPSP_Initial Study_Addendum Appendix A (7.45 MB) (pdf)
E - PRSMP_MPSP_Initial Study_Addendum Appendix B-F (14.1 MB) (pdf)
F - 04-09-24 Cupertino PRSMP ISMND Addendum NOD filing.pdf (1.28 MB) (pdf)
Project Contact
Phone (408) 777-1328 Email