June 21, 2023 Council Meeting Results
If you've been following the development of the "Revitalize Memorial Park" project, you know that we've had many meetings, events, surveys, etc. to get the Community's input on the re-design efforts. The latest meeting was a presentation at City Council on June 21, 2023. The Community was there, in great numbers! The Council heard the feedback and directed staff to keep the existing softball field and progress into the final stages of the schematic design phase. The minutes recorded the final motion and suggestions from the Council:
Final Motion:
Wei moved and Chao seconded as amended and modified to proceed with the Memorial Park Specific Plan design process into Schematic Design with the following revisions to the Conceptual Plan:
- Retain the existing softball field;
- Prioritize finding a revised location for pickle ball and basketball court;
- Consider options to reduce the size of the extra parking area on Anton Way; and
- Include native plants and gardens where feasible, especially in the nature walk area, as presented by the Audubon Society.
The amended and modified motion carried unanimously.
Councilmembers also provided the following comments for consideration when contemplating plan revisions:
- Consider installing temporary fence to fully enclose the existing softball field at Memorial Park for a pilot Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) program to evaluate the efficacy of a combined Softball/DOLA use for the area. (Moore)
- Provide Softball Field utilization data for use pre-pandemic. (Moore, Chao)
- Consider a small water feature/fountain for birds. (Chao)
- Consider a more economical features for the Specific Plan. (Chao)
- Consider reducing the parking or loop turnaround along the westerly property line if it could facilitate other amenities. (Fruen)
- Consider adopting a maintenance plan for native vegetation. (Fruen)
- Consider a covered area near the Quinlan Community Center. (Moore)
- Consider removing the central event lawn space to minimize the loss of other proposed amenities due to the inclusion of the softball field. (Fruen)
- Consider incorporating a bicycle garden as opposed to a tricycle track. (Fruen)
- Consider reducing the passive garden area to minimize the loss of other proposed amenities due to the inclusion of the softball field. Consider placing native vegetation in other passive areas throughout the park. (Moore)

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