Final Adoption Process
We are entering into the final adoption process for the Memorial Park Specific Plan! The Addendum to the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan (PRSMP) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and the final Memorial Park Specific Plan (MPSP) are published. Staff and the project team will bring these to the Parks and Recreation Commission on March 7th, and to City Council on April 3rd.
Once adopted, the next step will be to proceed with design and construction of projects that are described in the MPSP. Phases/sequencing of the projects are outlined in the final report for consideration, but these are informative rather than prescriptive. Depending on available budget and other factors, the first projects can be as large as an entire section of the park or as small as rerouting key pedestrian paths.
*The published documents are linked in the "important documents" widget on the right side of this page. Please note that Attachment D (D - PRSMP_MPSP_Initial Study_Addendum Appendix A) is a duplicate of Attachment A (A - MPSP_report), but for the purposes of the IS/MND-Addendum report submittal/adoption it will be will be Appendix [A] to the IS/MND, and thus is listed in this way.

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