Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study
Consultation has concluded
Blackberry Farm Golf Course was constructed in 1962 and was privately owned until 1991, when the City of Cupertino purchased the property. The City has operated the golf course since that time. It is a 1,544 yard, 9-hole, par-29 course and lies within the Stevens Creek Corridor. For several years, portions of the course have needed repairs and improvements, including extensive improvements to the irrigation system.
In 2014, the City began working on a new Master Plan for the Stevens Creek Corridor (SCCMP). Its goal was to create an updated vision and plan for the public lands along Stevens Creek,Continue reading
Blackberry Farm Golf Course was constructed in 1962 and was privately owned until 1991, when the City of Cupertino purchased the property. The City has operated the golf course since that time. It is a 1,544 yard, 9-hole, par-29 course and lies within the Stevens Creek Corridor. For several years, portions of the course have needed repairs and improvements, including extensive improvements to the irrigation system.
In 2014, the City began working on a new Master Plan for the Stevens Creek Corridor (SCCMP). Its goal was to create an updated vision and plan for the public lands along Stevens Creek, from McClellan Road northward to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Among the sites addressed by this Master Plan was the Blackberry Farm Golf Course. City Council reviewed several options for the creek corridor in addition to a report regarding the Blackberry Farm Golf Course, prepared by National Golf Foundation (NGF) Consulting.
In 2016, a feasibility study for a draft preferred alternative for the golf course was presented to the City Council. The City Council chose not to take any action at that time, and the Stevens Creek Corridor Master Plan was put on hold until the completion of the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. The Parks and Recreation System Master Plan (found here(External link)(External link)) was completed and adopted on February 18, 2020.
In May 2021, the City Council included a needs assessment to identify options for short and long-term improvements for the golf course in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 City Work Program. In June 2021, City Council further directs staff to study 1) conducting necessary repairs and minor improvements to the golf course and 2) discontinuing the use of the site as a golf course and restoring the site to natural habitat and trails.
During 2021 and 2022, the City contracted with consultants to analyze the two options, as directed by City Council. The two reports are posted here as "BBF GC repairs NGF Study" and "BBF Natural Habitat Feasibility Study MIG". The City's project team also conducted extensive community input and compiled the data in the "BBF_Survey Outreach Summary" report.
At the October 17th City Council meeting, the Council directed staff to proceed with minimal repairs to maintain the BBF Golf Course (Option 1). Staff will pursue: (a) An updated scope, schedule of work, and cost estimate relating to Option 1 (minimal repairs to the golf course); (b) Evaluate operational and fee rate changes that may improve revenue generation and cost recovery; (c) Investigate golf course and facility improvements that may increase revenue, further reduce water use, and to for opportunities to increase natural habitat areas where feasible; and (d) Explore the potential of leasing the golf course to an outside vendor to further reduce expenditures and increase City revenues.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. For ages 12 and under, parents are encouraged to help their children complete the survey.
As a Fiscal Year 2021-2022 City Work Program item, the Cupertino City Council included a needs assessment study of Blackberry Farm Golf Course. Blackberry Farm Golf Course is located adjacent to Blackberry Farm Park and the Stevens Creek Trail. Currently, the City is looking into two options for the site, 1) Conduct necessary repairs and minor improvements to the golf course, or 2) Discontinue the use of the site as a golf course and restore to natural habitat and trails.
Whether you are a Cupertino resident, golfer, walker, or neighbor, the City wants to hear from you. The City is deciding between two options for the use of the Blackberry Farm Golf Course site:
Option A: Golf Course Necessary Repairs and Minor Improvements – Replace the irrigation system, tee boxes, greens, and sand traps. The ninth hole would be shortened to increase safety and eliminate errant shots to the parking lot, trail, and first tee box. This includes the possible expansion of the short game practice area. The empty ponds would be replaced with lowland native plantings. The Golf Course is estimated to be closed for 9-12 months if this option is chosen. On course ADA issues would be addressed. National Golf Foundation Consulting completed this study.
Option B: Conversion to Natural Habitat - Establish accessible walking trails, free to the public, that connect with the Stevens Creek Trail and develop other visitor amenities, such as seating, an outdoor education area, and a ranger’s office. Allow the Stevens Creek riparian corridor vegetation to naturally occupy portions of the existing golf course. Plant and manage vegetation to foster the growth of drought-tolerant and native species. Establish a wildflower meadow. Existing Coastal Redwoods would remain. Incorporate fire resiliency management practices. MIG, Inc completed this study. It includes a preliminary conceptual design for the purposes of facilitating this feasibility discussion and is not meant to be a finalized design.
25-Year Comparative Cost Estimate for Option A and Option B:
Below is a summary table of the projected cost estimates for each option over a 25-year period. Additionally noted is the projected water use for each option. Capital Costs include the initial cost of the repair or improvement. These costs are in 2022 dollars and not adjusted for inflation. Costs include projected revenues as identified in the table.
You can review the reports for each option or sign up for email notifications regarding this topic at
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
完成此项调查大约需要 10 分钟。对于 12 岁及以下的孩童,我们建议由家长帮助其完成此项调查。
作为 2021-2022 财年的一项城市工作计划,库比蒂诺 (Cupertino) 市市政局将针对黑莓农场高尔夫球场开展需求评估研究。在地理位置上,黑莓农场高尔夫球场毗邻黑莓农场公园和史蒂文斯溪步道。目前,市政府就该场地提出了两种方案,1) 对高尔夫球场进行必要的维修和小规模改善,或 2) 不再将该场地用作高尔夫球场,而是将其恢复为自然栖息地和步道。
方案 A:
对高尔夫球场进行必要的维修和小规模改善 — 更换灌溉系统、发球台、果岭和沙坑。缩短九号球洞的距离,以提高安全性并避免将球击至停车场、步道和第一洞发球台。可能需要对短杆练习区进行扩建。池塘空地将被原生植物低地所取代。如果选择此方案,高尔夫球场预计将关闭 9-12 个月,而且 ADA 合规问题将有望得到解决。此项调研由美国国家高尔夫基金会咨询公司 (National Golf Foundation Consulting) 完成。
方案 B:
改建为自然栖息地 — 设立与史蒂文斯溪步道相连的无障碍步道并免费向公众开放,并开发其他游客设施,如座位、户外教育区域和公园管理员办公室。让史蒂文斯溪堤岸走廊的植被自然生长,以覆盖现有高尔夫球场的一部分区域。种植和打理植被,以促进耐旱物种和本地物种的生长。设立野花草地区域。现有的海岸红杉将会保留。纳入消防韧性管理实践。此项调研由 MIG, Inc 完成。市政府会进行一项初步概念设计,旨在促进可行性讨论的开展,但该设计并非最终设计。
方案 A 和方案 B 的 25 年期比较成本估算:
以下是每项方案在 25 年内的预计成本估算汇总表。此外,还请注意每项方案的预计用水量。基本建设成本包括维修或改善的初期成本。该等成本金额以 2022 年的美元价值计算,且未因通货膨胀进行调整。成本包括下表中所确定的预计收入。
您可以查看有关每项方案的报告,或在 上注册以接收有关此主题的电子邮件通知
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
इस सर्वेक्षण को पूरा करने में 10 मिनट का समय लगेगा। अभिभावकों को अपने 12 और उससे कम उम्र के बच्चों के लिए सर्वेक्षण पूरा करने में बच्चों की मदद करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है।
वित्तीय वर्ष 2021-2022 सिटी वर्क प्रोग्राम आइटम के रूप में, क्यूपर्टिनो सिटी काउंसिल में ब्लैकबेरी फार्म गोल्फ कोर्स का आवश्यकता मूल्यांकन अध्ययन शामिल था। ब्लैकबेरी फार्म गोल्फ कोर्स ब्लैकबेरी फार्म पार्क और स्टीवंस क्रीक ट्रेल के पास स्थित है। वर्तमान में शहर, साइट के लिए दो विकल्पों पर विचार कर रहा है, 1) गोल्फ कोर्स में ज़रूरी मरम्मत और मामूली सुधार करें, या 2) गोल्फ कोर्स के रूप में साइट का इस्तेमाल बंद कर दें और प्राकृतिक आवास और पगडंडियों को फिर से पहले जैसा करें।
चाहे आप क्यूपर्टिनो के निवासी, गोल्फ खेलने वाले, टहलने वाले या आसपास रहने वाले हों, शहर आपसे जानना चाहता है। शहर ब्लैकबेरी फार्म गोल्फ कोर्स साइट के इस्तेमाल के लिए इन दो विकल्पों के बीच फ़ैसला कर रहा है :
विकल्प ए :
गोल्फ कोर्स में ज़रूरी मरम्मत और मामूली सुधार कार्य— सिंचाई प्रणाली, टी बॉक्स, हरियाली और सैंड ट्रैप को बदलना। सुरक्षा बढ़ाने और पार्किंग स्थल, पगडंडी और पहले टी बॉक्स में मारे जाने वाले गलत शॉट्स को खत्म करने के लिए नौवें होल को छोटा किया जाएगा। इसमें लघु खेल अभ्यास क्षेत्र का संभावित विस्तार भी शामिल है। खाली पड़े तालाबों को तराई देशी पौधों से बदल दिया जाएगा। अगर यह विकल्प चुना जाता है तो गोल्फ कोर्स 9-12 महीनों के लिए बंद होने का अनुमान है। इसके दौरान एडीए के मुद्दों को हल किया जाएगा। नेशनल गोल्फ फाउंडेशन कंसल्टिंग ने इस अध्ययन को पूरा किया।
विकल्प बी :
प्राकृतिक आवास में बदलना —चलने के सुगम रास्ते बनाए जाएंगे, जो जनता के लिए मुफ़्त होंगे और जो स्टीवंस क्रीक ट्रेल से जुड़ेगा। इसके अलावा आगंतुक सुविधाएं जैसे बैठने की जगह, एक आउटडूर शिक्षा क्षेत्र और रेंजर का कार्यालय विकसित किया जाएगा। स्टीवंस क्रीक रिपेरियन कॉरिडोर वनस्पति को मौजूदा गोल्फ कोर्स के कुछ हिस्सों पर स्वाभाविक रूप से उगने देना। सूखे को बर्दाश्त करने वाले और देशी प्रजातियों के विकास को बढ़ावा देने के लिए पौधे लगाना और वनस्पति का प्रबंधन करना। एक वाइल्डफ्लावर घास का मैदान स्थापित करना। मौजूदा तटीय रेडवुड बने रहेंगे। आग प्रतिरोधी प्रबंधन अभ्यासों को रखा जाएगा। एमआईजी, इंक ने इस अध्ययन को पूरा किया। इसमें इस व्यवहार्यता चर्चा को सुविधाजनक बनाने के मकसद से एक शुरुआती वैचारिक डिजाइन को शामिल किया गया है और इसका मतलब अंतिम डिजाइन नहीं है।
विकल्प ए और विकल्प बी के लिए 25 साल का तुलनात्मक लागत अनुमान:
25 साल की अवधि तक हर विकल्प के लिए अनुमानित लागत अनुमानों की एक सारांश तालिका नीचे दी गई है। इसके अतिरिक्त प्रत्येक विकल्प के लिए अनुमानित पानी के इस्तेमाल का उल्लेख किया गया है। पूंजीगत लागत में मरम्मत या सुधार की शुरुआती लागत शामिल है। ये लागत 2022 डॉलर में हैं और मुद्रास्फीति के अनुसार समायोजित नहीं किये गये हैं। लागत में अनुमानित राजस्व शामिल है जैसा कि नीचे दी गई तालिका में चिन्हित किया गया है। : पर आप हर विकल्प के लिए रिपोर्ट की समीक्षा कर सकते हैं या इस विषय से संबंधित ईमेल सूचनाओं के लिए साइन अप कर सकते हैं।
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May 26, 2021
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study has finished this stageCity Council includes a short and long-term needs assessment study of Blackberry Farm Golf Course as part of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 City Work Progam(External link).
June 3, 2021
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study has finished this stageParks and Recreation Commission received a report on the Blackberry Farm Golf Course feasibility study options and provided a recommendation to City Council. View the meeting minutes here(External link).
July 20, 2021
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study has finished this stageCity Council directs staff to study 1) conducting minor repairs to the golf course and 2) restoring the site to natural habitat and trails. View the meeting minutes here(External link).
Finalize Alternatives Studies
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study has finished this stageBaseline feasibility studies for the two site options will be completed and available on this website by late May 2022. A public meeting will commence after both studies are published online.
Parks and Recreation Commission - Special Meeting
May 18, 2022 at 7 p.m.
Meeting minutes(External link) -
Public Outreach
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study has finished this stageSurvey Opens
Wednesday, May 25, 2022Paper surveys are available at:
- Quinlan Community Center
- Cupertino Senior Center
- Cupertino Sports Center
- Cupertino Library
Virtual Community Meeting
Monday, June 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Watch the meeting here(External link)(External link).Open House at Blackberry Farm Golf Course
Saturday, June 11,2022 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Tour the site at your own pace, participate in a group tour (6:30 p.m.), learn about the two options for the site, and ask City staff questions.
Public Comment Opportunity
Summer Concert Series
Thursday, July 7,2022 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Memorial Park AmphitheaterOpen House at Blackberry Farm Golf Course
Monday, July 11, 2022 from 4 to 6 p.m.
Tour the site at your own pace, participate in a group tour (4:30 p.m.), learn about the two options for the site, and ask City staff questions.Survey Closes
July 15, 2022 -
Joint Commission Special Meeting
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study has finished this stageA Joint Commission Special Meeting will be presented with an overview of the project, a report outlining the survey feedback received, and discuss the future of the golf course site.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Meeting Minutes can be found here(External link) -
Final Report to City Council: October 17th at 6:45pm
Blackberry Farm Golf Course Feasibility Study is currently at this stageMinutes will be posted here(External link), once approved.
- Joint Commission Meeting on Blackberry Farm Golf Course - September 8, 2022(External link)
- Blackberry Golf Course Future Use Community Input Meeting - June 6, 2022(External link)
- Parks and Recreation Commission Special Commission Meeting - May 18, 2022(External link)
- 10-17-2023 City Council meeting (External link)
Important Documents
Parks and Rec System Master Plan (FINAL 2020).pdf (20.4 MB) (pdf)
BBF GC Repairs NGF Study.pdf (5.29 MB) (pdf)
BBF Natural Habitat Feasibility Study MIG.pdf (5.31 MB) (pdf)
BBFGolfCourse_CommunityMeetingPPT_6.6.22.pdf (2.06 MB) (pdf)
2012 Irrigation Design Mitchell.pdf (21.4 MB) (pdf)
Balance Hydo Well Report final 5-10-12.pdf (4.07 MB) (pdf)
BBF_SurveyOutreachSummary.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
09-08-22 Joint Commission Minutes.pdf (331 KB) (pdf)
10-17-23 City Council BBF Golf item packet
Project Contact
Phone (408) 777-1328 Email (External link)