Recent Climate Progress
The first Cupertino Climate Action Plan (CAP) was adopted by City Council in 2014.
The City has initiated or completed 79% of the Near-Term measures from the 2014 CAP.
Annual emissions in Cupertino have reduced by 24% in 2018 compared to 2010.
The biggest reductions have been the result of purchasing clean electricity from Silicon Valley Clean Energy, and also the increasing adoption of fuel-efficient and electric vehicles.
In November 2020, the Sustainability Commission recommended a vision statements and draft goals for guiding the CAP update process.
In December 2020, the City Council held a study session to consider this vision statements and a draft goals for the next Climate Action Plan (CAP). The Council gave direction that the CAP should work towards the following set of targets.
View the City's most recent climate action progress reports(External link) and interactive greenhouse gas inventory(External link) data for a detailed look at the progress.
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